Real estate agents can’t be successful without a healthy understanding of the key performance indicators (KPIs) that help them thrive in their market. Tracking KPIs like lead conversion rates, client satisfaction ratings, and average sales cycle enables real estate professionals to showcase their achievements and identify opportunities for improvement, ultimately driving greater productivity and success across their teams and businesses.
The Number of Calls Made
One of the most important metrics on the seller side of the business is how many calls real estate agents are making to connect with prospective buyers and sellers. By analyzing call volume, you can determine which leads are the most active and which ones need more nurturing to translate into listing appointments and representation agreements.
Days on Market
A close companion to the Number of Calls Made metric, tracking days on market gives an indication of how long it takes an agent’s listings to sell. This can be helpful for identifying pricing strategies that may need to be adjusted. For example, if a property is sitting on the market for too long, it could be a sign that the initial list price was overpriced from the start.
Pending Listings
Another great metric to track is how many of your agent’s listings are still actively listed for sale. By generating reports that include pending listings, you can keep up-to-date on how well your agents are managing their listings and selling activities, as well as see which locations or teams have a lag in activity. real estate agents performance tracking