The fire nozzle is an integral tool in the battle against a fire. In fact, it is so important that it has been likened to the weapon of a soldier. The nozzle is the heart of the handline and is used in the process of advancing into a burning building and applying water to the fire to extinguish it. It’s also essential for a quick exit of the building once the fire is extinguished.
The nozzle is made of a tubing with a terminal attachment that adjusts the stream. The nozzle can be used with foam solutions, water or other fire extinguishing agents. A fire hose nozzle also allows firefighters to stop the flow of water without shutting off the supply.
There are many types of fire nozzles available for the handline. From a fog pattern to a constant gallonage nozzle, each type has different specifications and advantages designed to support optimal firefighting capabilities.
One of the most common types is the smooth-bore nozzle, which produces a solid stream of water and can reach deep into the seat of the fire. They can be combined with stack tips for precise delivery of water and are ideal when reaching the fire’s seat is the primary concern.
A constant-gallonage nozzle is similar to the smooth-bore nozzle, but has an internal mechanism that’s pre-set at the factory for consistency of pressure and gpm. They are more durable than smooth-bore nozzles, but have less operational flexibility and cannot produce the same fog pattern as other types of nozzles. By analyzing a department’s needs and understanding the strengths and purposes of each type of nozzle, decision makers will be better prepared to select the right nozzle for their department.